Thursday, March 20, 2014

Richard Avedon Expansion 4

For this photo set my goal was to capture the some form of emotion in each photo. I also tried to working with capturing the model in different frames and out of frame. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Richard Avedon Expansion

For my series project I wanted to work with Richard Avedon's style which we worked with earlier in the year. For this photo set my goal was to capture the some form of emotion in each photo. I tried to capture emotion in the photos by conversing with the model and asking her to reflect on certain ideas. I also tried to experiment with photographing the model out of the frame in some of the photos. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Menu: Sun glow,Yester-color, and Intrepid

Menu: Warhol and Film grain

Menu: Warhol, Gritty, Rapture

Menu: Space and Posterize

Menu: Warhol and Rapture

Menu: Warhol and Color Process

Saturday, February 1, 2014


For this assignment I chose to design movie posters, book covers and album covers.