Saturday, February 1, 2014


For this assignment I chose to design movie posters, book covers and album covers. 


  1. WOW! All of these are amazing! My favorite one is the second design! It seriously looks like something a fortune teller would have outside their door. Good job!

  2. You did an amazing job on these. All of them are my favorite and it seems like you put a lot of thought and effort into these. I really like the "Las Mananitas" one it looks exactly like a book cover. great job

  3. These are definitely the best ones i have seen. Theyre all super professional. the first four stand out the most to me because of how real they look, especially the fortune teller and jesus one. the textures and colors work perfectly. I think maybe the last two could use a bit more text. great job though

  4. I love all your photos. They are all creative and look very professional. My favorite one is the second one. Great job!

  5. Iriana, fantastic job on all your photos! My favorite one is the second one because the colors are beautiful and I love the flow of the text. For your last photo, I suggest adding a bit more to the design because I cannot figure out what product you are trying to sell.

  6. This batch was really cool! I really like the one with Elisha where she did that creepy thing with her eyes! I also like your style with these. A lot of them are pretty simple with not much text or things going on but it works well in my opinion! :)
