Friday, March 7, 2014

Richard Avedon Expansion 2


  1. Good job on the series. I like the first and last photos in this set. Although the last photo doesn't include much of his face, it feels very "in the moment" and reflects your style well in a different way.

  2. I really like this set. You captured genuine emotion and it shows! Good job!

  3. I like these pictures. I think that its pretty cool how you took several different shots with different expressions. My favorite picture is the sixth one. Good job!

  4. I like these photos a lot. Your model did a great job showing sincere interesting emotions. The colors for all of them are great too. My favorite is the last one and the way you cropped it. great job

  5. these photos are great! they show the emotion of your model great. the photo isnt straight on which is great and adds more of interesting idea. great job

  6. I really love all your photos and they all capture genuine emotion! I also liked how you used the same model displaying different emotions in all of the shots. My favorite picture is the sixth one. Great work!

  7. I really like all these different poses because there like little scenes and different emotions. the last one is really finny and good

  8. I really like these photos, you have a very interesting effect in all the viewpoint you have.
