Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Photo Project: Series 1

The photographer I chose to emulate was Manuel Álvarez Bravo. Bravo worked within the genre of street photography. Most of Bravo's subjects were shop windows, everyday streets and interactions. Manuel Álvarez Bravo's photography was meant to capture 'Mexican identity'. I attempted capture culture in San Francisco like Manuel did Mexico by shooting the similar subjects as he did. My subjects for this series consisted of some sort of religious advertisement, graffiti/tagging on buildings and a scene of two people crossing the street. 


  1. Iriana, you do a good job at imitating the subject matter of Manuel Álvarez Bravo. It shows the ways of everyday life. I'm not sure if you were imitating the style of black and white but it would be interesting to see pictures in color. My favorite picture is the last picture. This one is great in black and white. It shows the streets of the city really well. Good Work!

  2. Your pictures are amazing! I like how you captured the daily life and culture of San Francisco. The values of your pictures are perfect and I like the variety of shades of black and white. For your next batch, I suggest taking pictures of a variety of subjects to display San Francisco's cultural aspects.

  3. your photos are my favorite so far and really capture your photographers style. The colors are great and the subjects work well with your assignment. My favorite is the graffiti truck. My only note is to maybe work on different subjects and explore San Francisco. great job

  4. I like how you can make your photos both look contemporary and also sometimes make it look older and vintage like in some too. i like how you exaggerate the white

  5. Your photos are so cool to look at! My favorite picture is the last one. You did a good job in interpreting Manuel Alavarez Bravo's style. Really good job!

  6. I really love all your photos and you did a great job emulating Manuel Álvarez Bravo's style! My favorite picture is the last one. Great job!
