Friday, October 4, 2013

Micro Worlds

In order for this shoot to be successful all the photos had to be taken at a low angle. Some difficulties faced during this shoot was trying to avoid a glare when taking a picture with the background as a book or computer screen. 


  1. These were some really good photos. My favorite picture is the one with the running guy and the mouth. I thought that was really creative and unique.

  2. I really love all your photos! My favorite one was the first and last one. They both displayed depth as well as telling an interesting story! Great job!

  3. These are really cool pictures. My favorite one is the one with the cowboy and the cactus in the background. These are all really good:)

  4. You have some really nice photos. I Like how you used things in the real world to create backgrounds instead of computer screens. The ones where you do use computer screens or books, watch out for the glare. Good Work!

  5. these are really good. i like your use of scenery and the way you find how the different expressions on the characters fit together, like in the first photo. i think my favorite is the black and white of the soldier in hiding. great job.

  6. I like how your photos always a scene going on. There is an action taking place and it is really interesting. Good Job!
