Thursday, January 16, 2014


The purpose of this assignment was to capture lights, people, and colors and make them seem like they are in motion. 


  1. I love all of your pictures!! My favorite one is the third one! Maybe you should try incorporating more color next time:)

  2. You did a really good job. My favorite photos are the ones that make the light looks like its melting. My least favorite is the last because it feels like a blur of dull colors. One thing to use next time would be bright vibrant colors. Good job

  3. I really like all your pictures especially the second and third ones because I really like how you captured the light in motion. Maybe next time try to add more color in your photos. Great job!

  4. All of your pictures were awesome, my favorite being the third one because you captured motion in a really cool way. My least favorite picture was the first one because it just felt like it was too blurry and one color.

  5. I like the colors of the first few and the water fountain looks really cool. it looks like a swirl or something and the reflection of the metal looks cool as well

  6. The motion effect really shows on the water fountain photo. The first two photos look great, but are very similar.
