Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Depth Staging

The purpose of this photo shoot was to capture depth. This was done by focusing on one object up close and disregarding the background surrounding the object. 


  1. Iriana, you are a really good photographer. In my opinion, the best picture that represents this assignment is the one with a piece of brick (it seems) and the background of the car and the tree. In my opinion, the picture that least represents the assignment, would be the one with the telephone dialer. I think it would have been better if there was a distinct background.

  2. I really like all of these pictures, especially the picture of the finger, which I think perfectly resembles depth as the subject is clear and the background is a little blurry. I think that the wire box picture could be more of depth if you had included a little more of the background behind the box, so that we do not just see whiteness, but more of some kind of infinite background.

  3. Iriana, awesome job on your photos! I especially love the last two photos because they exhibit depth really well. I love how in the last photo, the viewer wonders where the picture is shot and what the full background is. The blurred area really allowed me to feel the depth. In your fifth photo, the picture is mostly flat so try to position the camera at an angle and focus to show depth.

  4. I love all of your photos and I think both the second and sixth photos are your strongest examples of creating depth with staging. In both these photos the background is a bit blurry which gives off the illusion of depth perfectly. In the first picture I feel like you could have tried to capture more depth by creating a different angle.
